English Language curriculum
English Language is the study of the way that we communicate through written, verbal and visual means. It involves the study of language form, language meaning and exploring the meaning of language in context.
Throughout their study students will explore both written and spoken language. It is our aim to introduce students to language of race, gender, power /oppression, identity and the political and social dimensions of language. The English faculty aims to promote a culture of literacy and develop students into critical readers who can interpret and engage with the world around them.
English Literature curriculum
We study literature to explore the human condition, to develop empathy and understanding of cultures and contexts that differ from our own. The English department aspires to cultivate a culture of reading for pleasure, of life long readers who are inspired to become writers.
We strive to create critical and creative thinkers who can communicate their opinions and ideas with confidence. We work towards instilling in our learners a passion for literature and to allow them to use their study of literature as an avenue for further learning.
The curricula of the English department is both vertical and cumulative – in that students are introduced to the most common forms of language and literature to provide them with a base understanding that will gradually grow more complex and developed. Complexity and refinement is also added with repeated opportunities to revisit particular forms of writing in a spiral structure across the years.
The progression model for all years can be downloaded below.