Personal Development Curriculum
HAB pupils benefit from a broad personal development curriculum which aims to cultivate Active Citizens who will lead with ambition, compassion and respect. The curriculum teaches the necessary skills, knowledge and understanding students need to lead a joyful, independent life and navigate their way through society. Through exploring themselves and their potential impact on society and the lives of others, students are taught to make conscientious decisions that reflect both the needs and challenges of thriving in modern British society.
In particular, students who leave HAB and HAB6 will:
Be responsible, respectful and active citizens who are tolerant of all people
Understand the fundamental British values of democracy, individual liberty, the rule of law and mutual respect and tolerance.
Understand that individual characteristics and differences are positive
Develop their own character and find their own motivation
Understand the importance of physical and mental health
Understand what healthy relationships look like
Have learned about various careers and post-16 and post-18 pathways and are able to transition to their next stage successfully.
"Pupils receive a range of information on how to stay safe through assemblies and the drop-down theme days. Pupils say that they can trust the staff who work with them and know what to do if they are concerned about themselves or a friend.” Ofsted, 2019
Curriculum design
At HAB we take a thematic approach to PSHE education, covering all three core themes of the Programme of Study over six half terms. The themes we cover are:
Health & wellbeing
Living in the wider world
At HAB the personal development curriculum teaches statutory content on Relationships Sex and Health Education (RSHE) and Relationships education, Citizenship, British Values and Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural education. The personal development curriculum also supports the delivery of Careers Education Information and Guidance at HAB alongside our Careers Plan.
Click here to download our personal development curriculum.
Tutor time
PHSE lessons are delivered twice a week in tutor time for a total of 1 hour. In addition to this HABmin sessions are designed to praise students for attendance, punctuality and positive points received during the week. During literacy sessions all HAB students complete literacy booklets with a specific theme and focus for each half term. On these days some students receive extra literacy guided intervention during this time and other students participate in the peer-based mentoring programme Reader Leader. HAB6 student engage in peer mentoring of students in other years during their tutor time sessions.
Literacy sessions at HAB are designed to support the personal development curriculum and cover a range of topics.
While exploring spoken word students have explored poetry about identity and belonging
The Struggles of Being a Chinese Kid in a White Family by Honey Birch, 2018 London
George The Poet on Hate Crime, 2017 London
Mathematics by Hollie McNish, 2017 Cambridge
Through teaching vocabulary and learning the morphology of words students have developed their racial literacy and understanding by studying the following lessons
Interpersonal racism
Institutional racism
How to respond to a racist incident
Character development
At HAB we develop student character through developing their values and virtues. Through our approach to behaviour and character development we set high expectations for students, alongside a strong commitment to supporting their wellbeing.
Our approach is rooted in our core HAB values of Ambition, Compassion and Respect.
We use Jubilee Centre’s Framework for Character Education to set out our character development work at HAB.
Character Development | How we do this at HAB |
Character caught - Character can be caught through a positive school community, formational relationships, and a clear ethos. Environment, Vision, Ethos, Culture, Relationships |
Character taught - Character education can be taught through the curriculum using teaching and learning strategies, activities, and resources. The curriculum, teaching and learning, activities | Students are given the knowledge, skills and language to develop their character through educational experiences, both in and out of the classroom
Character sought - Character can be sought through chosen experiences that occur within and outside of the formal curriculum. |
SMSC & British Values
At HAB we embed SMSC and British Values into our Personal Development curriculum. Click here to download.
All students study Religious Studies throughout KS3 and KS4 which encourages students to explore their own beliefs, and teaches them respect for others.
We encourage students to reflect on their experiences at HAB and how these allow them real-life opportunities to demonstrate and embody the British Values. Through these experiences and reflections students will be better prepared for life in Modern day Britain.
Our assemblies programme makes explicit links to the British Values and reinforces students spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.