We offer a broad range of range of A Level and BTEC qualifications designed to fully immerse our sixth formers in their chosen pathways.
We want you to build skills and knowledge with us that enable you to access opportunities at the UK’s leading educational institutions, and to thrive in the workplace.
Arts Faculty
- A Level Art
- A Level Drama
- A Level English Literature
- A Level English Language
- A Level French
- A Level History
- A Level Music Technology
- A Level Psychology
- A Level Sociology
- A Level Geography
- A Level Religious Studies and Philosophy
- A Level Spanish
- Extended Project Qualification (EPQ)
Science, Mathematics and Engineering Faculty
- A Level Biology
- A Level Chemistry
- A Level Maths
- A Level Physics
- BTEC Extended Diploma in Business Studies
- Economics
- Health and Social Care CTEC
Please note that if students do not have a grade 4 in Maths or English language at the time of enrolment, they will need to complete an additional three hours of study a week to achieve a pass grade.