At Harris Academy Bermondsey, our intent is to provide an experience of Mathematics based on the premise that 'each little bit never gives you the totality, yet somehow each little bit evokes the totality'.
This means that the Mathematics curriculum has been designed in a vertical fashion, with plenty of opportunity for students not only to build cumulatively on the knowledge that they continue to acquire, but that they also have regular opportunities to revisit and refine what has been learnt through a spiral structure. The purpose of this is to allow students to appreciate that no single mathematical concept exists in isolation, but that the discipline is an integrated whole.
We see Mathematics as a discipline rooted in order, logic, strategy, and precision; a subject that evolves constantly alongside advances in other disciplines and which layers knowledge over time. For example, learning about tree diagrams in probability is preceded by learning about independent events, and linked to other learned concepts such as addition and multiplication of fractions.
Through the coherent sequencing of units, students are given opportunities to be curious and to explore the many patterns and structures within the subject. For example, knowledge of factors, operation with fractions, and rules for simplifying algebraic expressions are all referenced when introducing students to manipulating surds.
At all levels, students are inducted into the lexicon, conventions and established methods of the subject: they are expected to embed mathematical language in their own solutions; to respond to problems in a coherent manner; to value strategy and efficiency; and to create their own problems as a way of demonstrating knowledge and delving deeper into the concepts learned. Enrichment opportunities that extend beyond the defined curriculum provide additional learning time with subject experts and allow for students to explore both the history of mathematics and its role in enabling and sustaining cultural, social, economic and technological advances and empowering individuals to become critical citizens.
The curriculum plan for all years can be downloaded below.